I’ve tried several waxes, mostly they have been good, the end result has a nice soft feel. But there is one I would recommend that I liked the best.
But, to start I used beeswax that I had in my cupboard, the one on the left was it. I used that up and then bought another brand, same type wax and nice result. The third tin was another brand, a little softer to use than the other two and nice result too.
Then researching in another hardware I found one that I hadn’t heard about but on further investigation there was someone who liked it very much, sang its praises.
So I bought it to try. Larger tin, better value and so lovely to use. I ‘m one of those people who love the smell of these waxes, there are others who would like a peg on their nose when they use it.
The photo is my tin, the one I’m using as you can see, not pristine and is 500g compared with 200g for the other three.
When you use these waxes, go sparingly, small sections at a time and wipe off any excess as you go.
Make sure you rub it well into the chalk paint and let it dry. Some say for 24 hours, others recommend till it is not tacky.
It is not a hard job, some say a bit boring, switch off, switch on the music, video, favourite TV program. I like it because as you’re buffing, you can see the results starting to show the piece to its best advantage and giving such a lovely feel.
For some reason buffing the furniture that has been painted with chalk paint, with the wax, leaves the surface unlike any other treatment. I have used beeswax on stained furniture and the result is not at all like the chalk painted furniture.